Sociology and game design project, 2016
Drin dream
Sociology Course by Matteo Ciastellardi, PoliMi
by Matteo Crespi, Alessandra Di, Federica Delprino, Alessandro Picenoni, Chiara Piva, Ginevra Terenghi
The project is the result of the Sociology course my colleagues and me attended during the first year of our Communication Design Master Degree at Polytechnic of Milan.
“Foodora: la protesta” means “Foodora: the protest”.
We analyzed the Foodora case in various media and social networks, collecting data and understanding people’s sentiment. Our aim was to understand how different articles and post show the same situation.
Then we created a card game called “Drin Dream” to get people into the sharing economy world. Each player is a rider who has to face very hard everyday problems and accidents.